Tuesday, October 24, 2006

20 great years!

That photo was taken twenty years ago...wow, where did the years go? He was an alert, big fella!

Here's my Sean as Mickey Mouse-he was three years old. I made or embellished most of his Halloween costumes over the years.

And here is the most recent photo of him taken with his camera phone at Perkins.

He is really a blessing to me because he made me a mom-I always wanted to be someone's mom. He's been a great teenager and I look forward to seeing him mature even more in his 20s, maybe date a bit and get through college with flying colors. I like that he enjoys spending time with me and more recently his dad. They watch sporting events together now all the time. This makes me so happy.

So HAPPY BIRTHDAY, my pumpkin and only good egg. : )


  • At 7:56 AM, Blogger Annemarie said…

    Happy birthday, Sean! Twenty today! Wow. I can't imagine my little boy at twenty... Great picture of you and Sean, too. And Sean as Micky Mouse, awwwww!
    I liked reading the list in your previous entry. All these funny things you learn about your online friends. I might steal this off you, Dianne!

  • At 10:20 AM, Blogger Anne S said…

    Happy birthday Sean! I wish I was 20 years younger!! ;)

  • At 7:35 PM, Blogger Carole Burant said…

    Happy Birthday to Sean!! Wow, to be 20 again!! Loved the picture of you holding him when he was a baby and the one of him as Mickey Mouse..adorable!! He's now a handsome young man and I'm sure he's got girls following him everywhere! hehe All the best to you Sean!!

  • At 7:47 PM, Blogger Diana LaMarre said…

    Happy Birthday, Sean. Say goodbye to your teenage years. The best are yet to come.

    ...."my only good egg." LOL. Love it.

  • At 7:58 PM, Blogger Von said…

    Happy birthday to Sean!! How wonderful to have made it through the teen years as good friends. :)

    Twenty years go by in a flash, don't they, Dianne?

  • At 1:27 PM, Blogger Kerri said…

    A happy birthday to Sean! What a sweet picture of you holding him as a babe. He's a cute mouse too :)
    Twenty years goes by in a flash it seems. He's a handsome young man now!
    Thanks for visiting. Zoey did visit after you were there, so maybe she saw your comment :)

  • At 4:10 PM, Blogger lena-lou said…

    Great pictures Dianne and hey, I LOVE your hair dark!!


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