The kitchen is designed...
Yeah! It was a long two hour process at the Home Depot (Sean went along too). I got everything I really needed in the plan. It was the same man who initially helped us a few weeks back. He didn't do something right and had to rechart the design (on the computer), so we had to sit even longer. When he quoted us the price 'just for the cabinets', Brian looked like he did when we were looking at engagement rings. Actually he got off way back then a lot cheaper! LOL. The guy forgot a few details, but I am sure the contractor will point out that I need a shelf for my microwave (no more wobbly table) and someplace for the trashbins (a pull out contraption for under the sink). The Home Depot guy printed me off the design, but two of the one wall, he forgot the range wall. I will try and photograph it. Anyway, I have a pantry closet, a separate food prep area (storage underneath) with two wall cabinets-one with a plate rack and the other for 'some' of my cookbooks.In that same area there are two pull out cabinets for spices, etc. I have a corner cabinet for pots and pans and the top will hold the toaster oven and coffee maker. And I requested some pretty glass doors with little stain glass panels for my drinking glass cabinet. I figure it will cost a grand for every year we lived here. I'll probably get blue marble counters and laminated wood floors. I have to have a boat load of people go through here. It will probably take six weeks total, like 3 days just to install the cabinets. We may do the floor ourselves. We did the last one when Sean was into Sesame Street so we were a lot younger too! And don't get me started on how much demolition and installation cost. I guess I won't be getting any fancy range. : (
In the long run, we will have people compliment our kitchen and I won't be ashamed of it. BTW, the guy who measured did take photos and man the old cabinets sure looked ugly. Wish us luck with the financing part. I see a desk job for me in the future. Of course this has to be the time when Brian's work is on his back (and the other ad people) about acquiring more clients. They are telling them to contact 10-15 people 'in person' a day! I told him to open the phone book and at least find a few new ones along with older clients. Good luck to him. He was irritable all weekend. Maybe the kitchen financing will give him the incentive to work harder.
In the long run, we will have people compliment our kitchen and I won't be ashamed of it. BTW, the guy who measured did take photos and man the old cabinets sure looked ugly. Wish us luck with the financing part. I see a desk job for me in the future. Of course this has to be the time when Brian's work is on his back (and the other ad people) about acquiring more clients. They are telling them to contact 10-15 people 'in person' a day! I told him to open the phone book and at least find a few new ones along with older clients. Good luck to him. He was irritable all weekend. Maybe the kitchen financing will give him the incentive to work harder.
At 5:28 AM,
Diana LaMarre said…
Wasn't it exciting when you saw the computer printout of your new design? Do you keep looking at it and dreaming of the day it is done?
Ah, I remember those days.
I still have my 'puter printouts.
Good luck on this huge project.
And get ready for LOTS of dust! LOL.
It will all be worth it in the end.
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