Tuesday, September 07, 2004

From Daydreaming on paper...

List the 10 best things about being you.
#1. Being a mom-I've always have wanted to be one since I hugged my first doll (Thumbelina). I am happy to be blessed with Sean as he is my only child.
#2. Being a wife-I was lucky to find a man like Brian at an early age. He is my best friend.
#3. Being a daughter-my mom's only daughter. I just found a note she wrote to me in 1980 that said that 'all the pain, grief, etc. was worth it because she had me.'
#4. Being a sister to three brothers with totally different personalities and knowing how to handle them all without them getting peeved at me or their noses out of joint.
#5. Being an aunt to my three nephews and my little sweetie only niece. I called her today on her first day of kindergarten to see how she did. She was upset as it was an orientation day and they left early. She can't wait to stay longer. I remember Sean when he started school and how my heart felt like a piece of it had broken off when he got on the bus that day. Now he is in his last year of school and I am facing him going off to college in less than a year.

#6.I am fortunate to have been able to stay home with my child through his growing up years. I never felt like I jeopardized a career or anything as you can really start a career at anytime. I'm not that old that I couldn't work when he goes away to school.
#7. I can sing from low notes to high C.
#8. I can figure out cross stitch patterns and work them and finish them to produce beautiful pieces.
#9.I believe there is something better than this existence.
#10.I like to help people.


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