Sunday, September 05, 2004

Pain is not a pretty thing

I never seem to learn from my past mistakes, esp if I am hurting like I was all day yesterday. I kept pushing myself to the limit with the painting and book moving until I could barely lift my right arm. Last night was a bad dream. As soon as I laid down it was like a knife going into my arm between my shoulder and elbow. I had taken Tylenol and that didn't do a thing. I was up at 3 am with an ice pack and then an hour later I took an Advil which whacks out my stomach, but I went ahead and ate a piece of bread first. That did the trick! I feel like I've been run over today and I can't do anything with the books (maybe here and there). I am using the heating pad which is working too.
Three years ago I was using an 'Ab-doer' machine and sprained my right shoulder blade. That was terrible and took 3 weeks to heal. My joints and muscles aren't what they use to be, esp since I had Lyme Disease back in '98.
My brother Don called mom on his neighbor's cellphone and he 'weathered' the storm in Fort Laudy. He said it was scary and he's been without power since last night-naturally. The other tenants are all grilling their meats so they are having a big cookout between the raindrops.


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