Thursday, September 09, 2004

3x Thursday

1. If you won the lottery, and could win as much as you wanted, how much would you take? What would you do with it?
I think I would pay the taxes on it right away. What's left would go to probably paying off bills. If it was a lot of moola, I would like a bigger house and maybe a vacation place. I'd help my siblings too, maybe giving them all the same amount so there would be no squawking. I'd get my mom's house fixed up for her and do whatever I could do for Brian's dad and my uncle. I think that covers the family. And it would be nice to make a few donations too. : ) I'm just too good to be true-lol. IF only....
2. If you could have any car/truck/environmental killing machine that you wanted, what would it be?
I'm not into flashy vehicles really, I drive a mini-van for cripes sake. I am attracted to those PT Cruisers for some reason. I'd have to do a test drive to see if it was cool. I also like Thunderbirds and for the higher ticket cars-I'd say a BMW.
3. If you could, would you want to be a professional student? Why/why not? If so, what would you study?
I feel we are all 'professional' students if we stretch our minds and continue to read and learn. I use the internet all the time to expand my mind. I went to a doctor one time (lately) and was asking him medical questions and he wanted to know if I had medical training. I don't think he was being sarcastic, but was hopefully impressed over the questions I was asking as they weren't the basic run of the mill ones.
Bonus Question for Comments: Does it take a lot of money and goods to make you happy? How much/little? Why/Why not?
I'd say no on the money part, yes on the goods part. I think if I had enough money to pay off bills and travel a bit, I'd be fine. My brothers and I tend to need to surround ourselves with stuff. Dave has videos, DVDS, etc galore; I have books and tchotckes; Don has Simpson cartoon stuff and Ken has model cars and his garage of auto tools. Mom has a house full of stuff too. Why? I don't know. With mom it's a shopping thing. We had enough toys when we were young, but may be stuck in a period of our lives when we weren't that happy because of our parents divorcing. I guess having too much stuff is a comfort thing.


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