Wednesday, May 24, 2006

How did they build Titanic?

These were taken with my camera phone as I had forgotten my digital camera. The show was excellent. I know the music from having the Broadway show CD. I've been interested in the Titanic since the movie. We did get married on April 14th too (when it sank). In fact, the guy that boards at mom's house mentioned this to Brian and me on our wedding day.
We've seen quite a few Titanic related exhibits and shows-ones down in Atlantic City and Orlando and now the musical.

Mom and me outside the 'box office' after seeing the musical This is the same theatre we use to go as kids. I remember standing in a line that wrapped around to the corner when we went to see 'Star Wars' back in 1977.
This is the stage-you can see the capital's wheel in the middle. There were metal steps and a platform there, so the scenes were mostly in different levels. The opening scene showed the cast looking at the 'floating city' stage left. Many of the cast members played both 1st and 3rd class passengers.
Sean had a young lady about his age sit next to him. I think they were the two youngest people in the theatre! Mom and I got a kick out of that. We had a 'red hat' group of ladies in front of us and the rest of the audience was mostly elderly.
We went down the street to The Iron Hill Brewery and got nachos, salad and pizza for dinner. Sean and I had my mom cracking up by singing different things to her in the same music as the show.


  • At 3:22 AM, Blogger mainely stitching said…

    Dianne, it sounds like a wonderful outing! I'm so glad you all enjoyed it!!

  • At 5:42 AM, Blogger Rachael said…

    It sounds like it was a great show. It is sooo nice that your son does so many things with you and that you both do so much with your Mom.


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