Sunday, December 24, 2006

Please help yourself

Lots of hard work-Butter crisco chocolate chips, white chocolate chip fruit (dried cranberries and apricots) cookies, Russian teacakes, Rum Raisin Cheesecake bars, Deluxe Lemon bars, Microwave peanut brittle, date meringue cookies and chocolate nut fudge. Opps-forgot the 7 layer cookies!
We're off to my brother's house in a few hours. I don't know what to wear, but it's going to be a casual get-together with good food. I made Ken his requested Apple Cake with Rum sauce. I also have to bring a Caesar salad (I cooked some shrimp to toss in).
I'm surviving on pure adrenline as I haven't gotten to sleep until 3 am or later the last few nights. I keep thinking what I have to do in my head all night. Sometimes it would be so great to have people who live here who like to cook-ha! They're talking about midnight mass too. I'd probably be awake already!
Have a lovely Christmas eve!
Watch for new photos here.


  • At 2:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Merry Christmas Dianne! Have a wonderful holiday season. Cheers:)

  • At 7:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dianne, I could just gain weight by visiting your blog. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!

  • At 5:08 AM, Blogger mainely stitching said…

    Merry - and restful! - Christmas, Dianne!! I hope everything goes exactly how you hope!!

  • At 10:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Merry Christmas!

  • At 2:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Happy holidays to you and yours :)


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