Thursday, November 16, 2006

Get yourself a wish list

That's all I need to say. For the whiners (oh husband, mom, son, siggie other, daughter, you name them!) who say-"I don't know what to give you for your birthday or Christmas!" Well go to Amazon and type in my email address (i.e.) and viola! There's a list there if you are inclined to add things to a list, which I do (I do buy things once in a while too). And most things are at a discount! I showed Brian this months ago. Can we say short attention span?


  • At 8:43 AM, Blogger Carole Burant said…

    You know what's funny about this...I'm forever after my boys and others to make me a list of what they want for Christmas but yet I never make one for myself! lol Good idea to make one though, then I'm sure to get something I really want:-)


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