Some color arrives!

I started to clean up outside a little bit with a hand rake (yep, not good for my back). I pulled the screening fabric off the pond and started around there. Then I went around the front and did some of the the woodland bed so the jonquils and tulips can grow more. I see that the daffodils I planted in the fall came up nicely through the leaves in the fairy garden. The giant tulips (also new) and way out in the side yard, are up but just green. Something ate some of them. And the new lilies are coming up in another bed, but a few didn't make it. The ones I planted at my mom's look really great. They are next to the house, so they are sheltered and it's quite sunny there. They are under a new layer of dirt and mulch. I hope they will be gorgeous for mom.
At 11:59 AM,
Susie said…
Lucky you for spring flowers and color!
Rain, rain, rain is the song we sing here!
At 4:50 PM,
Diana LaMarre said…
Looks like your gardening season has arrived.
It's probably deer eating your tulips (or rabbits). I hope they don't eat them all.
At 7:44 PM,
Cindy said…
Beautiful flowers! They remind me of growing up in MD. We can't grow either of them here in FL.
At 10:03 AM,
Kerri said…
Yah..spring has sprung! Isn't it wonderful?
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