Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Martha loses one in the slammer...

Hmmm, hmmm, hmmm! I heard that Martha Stewart was in a Christmas decorating contest at 'Camp Cupcake'. They decorated their different 'units'. They had to purchase items from the prison commissary to make their visualization a reality. I mean, popcorn, boxes and other generic stuff like that. Well didn't her group lose! I would pay to see who won over Martha! Could it be that she lost out of spitefulness? This is also saying to me that she may have help with all aspects of her 'business', mainly ideas too if she can't even win a prison contest. Poor, sad Martha.
PS-Martha also lost 10 pounds in prison. Guess the food isn't 'gourmet' enough for her.
http://www.kfi640.com/hosts/handel.html Check out the Martha Diary down in the right column.


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