Saturday, September 11, 2004

9-11 anniversary

It was like it happened yesterday, not 3 yrs ago already. I got up and turned on the tv and there was a tall building and it looked like a helicopter had crashed into it. Katie Couric and Matt Lauer were frantically trying to make sense of what going on. I remember someone had hand glided onto the Statue of Liberty a week earlier. What the heck was going on? And then the earth stood still. It was a plane! And it was one of the Twin Towers! Within minutes the second plane went into the second tower. I sat in disbelief and then I thought-sh#*, Sean's in school! NYC isn't that far away. And then the plane hit the Pentagon and the other plane went down here in Penna., but out in the western part. It was not good living in this area-it was frightening. All those blasted planes had probably traveled not far over our heads. Sean will always remember that he was a freshman in high school and wanted to come home. I think everyone was watching the skies that day and praying, esp for all the lost innocent souls.
Two of the pilots were from near us. The one pilot lived near where I went to high school and his kids were in the same school district. The other pilot was from Bucks County. So many people were from Bucks County as it isn't that far from NYC by train.
A friend from Montana called to see if I was ok, not knowing where the plane went down in Pa. We talked for a long time. I thank her for that as I was a wreck.
I sure suffered post tramatically from that for a long time.
I pray that my child or that his children never have to live through anything like that again.


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