Sunday, July 23, 2006

Waterlilies up close

After I took this photo I cleaned out the algae in the center. This seems to be a bumper year of algae growth. Hey, I just noticed when I enlarged this all the way there is a flower bud near the larger of the red leaves that are unfolding! The first of the season!


  • At 10:18 PM, Blogger BeckySC said…

    What lovely pics, Dianne! I agree with you-algea is really bad this year here too...of course it may be the fact that I was not around much to keep my fountains/birdbaths cleaned out the past two months and you know how it goes..."nobody cleans as well as you do" LOL! But seriously, I have noticed that algea is growing quickly in tow of my fountains.
    Thanks for your words about my mom-she has just had a rough year-it's one of those things you wish you could change, but you can only be there as best you can and help out/love/support, when/where needed :) My mom is a strong/determined lady and I have no doubts that she will get through all this with flying colors :)
    I hope to visit with you again soon-right now I am still taking the internet at a slower pace :) but I must admit it has felt great to visit with some of my good friends :)
    (excuse the novel...rofl)

    hugs to you :)


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