Sunday, July 23, 2006

Look what I found...

...those funny Croc garden shoes-but a rip-off brand at Wally World! (Though Sean says he sees kids his age wearing them).They were under $10! So if they last 1-2 yrs, I will get my money's worth out of them. I am a bit worried about the holes-hope the bugs stay out. And they are lightweight too!


  • At 5:57 PM, Blogger Diana LaMarre said…

    I hope you like them as much as I like mine.
    I don't know about the knock offs, but mine feel like I'm walking on clouds.
    The holes are a bit of a pain because stuff like pine needles, pieces of grass, all gets in there. But for summer I think the holes are nice to keep your tootsies cool.

  • At 3:28 PM, Blogger Von said…

    They are quite popular around here too. Are you wearing them primarily to garden or general use? I'm not too fond of the look, but they do look comfortable and would be easy to slip in and out of as I go out into the yard during the day. Ease and comfort are what it's all about these days! :D


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