Monday, June 26, 2006


We've had downpours like crazy since last night. I am holding my breath because of our basement's tendency to get a bit wet. Right now there is just a puddle in front of the doorway leading to the finished room. I haven't checked the bathroom down there yet. I am surprised (but deeply thankful) that is all for the time being anyway. On the news they are showing people wading through water in their basements in towns near to here.
Guess I'll do some inside stuff as there is always plenty to keep me occupied. I am so sick of sorting papers and mail. Do you have the same problem?
Wish Bri and me luck as we are getting our annual bloodwork done to check our cholesterol, etc. I get myself in a stew because I also get my liver enzymes checked because of trouble I've had in the past (probably due to Lyme Disease).
Our local weatherman predicted a drought as I mentioned a few weeks ago. Man was Glenn 'Hurricane' Schwartz off the money. This is Sean meeting Glenn back in November 2003 at a Tech Expo.


  • At 3:00 PM, Blogger Von said…

    Hoping to hear good things about the blood work for you and Bri! And crossing my fingers that the water goes no further in your basement. I've had to clean up too many such messes and would never want any of my friends to ever have to deal with them either!!

  • At 8:07 PM, Blogger Carole Burant said…

    The weatherman wrong?? Could that ever happen?? lol So sorry to hear you're getting so much rain, it sure can do a lot of damage if it starts to enter your basement!! Hopefully you'll stay dry! Hope the bloodwork results are good!


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