Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Not a good day...

Well really the only good thing about it was my nephew turned 9 yrs old, but I didn't get to see him on his birthday.
It was a terribly rainy day. Not a good day to do last minute Easter shopping like my mom did. She came out here yesterday and we went up to Lancaster as planned. Sean did the driving and it was a nice sunny day. We hit a few stores we never usually go in plus some of our favorites. We had a nice dinner in a restaurant we hadn't eaten in (Texas Roadhouse). We were really tired, so mom stayed all night. It may have been better if she had gone home last night. On her way out of town today, she swerved and hit a 'security pole' (like they have outside of fast food places) and her right back tire took it hard and she practically had a blow out. She said her neck hurt a bit, but she is okay, thank God. Luckily there was a gas station a mile or so away and they put on her spare-the 'donut tire'. I am really worried about her driving now. She had someone hit her in a drugstore parking lot a few months ago and that destroyed her back bumper. Today she was blaming the weather which was of course a big factor, but where she had the problem isn't that curvy of a road, the road goes in a half curve. She should have come back here and stayed over again.
I am really tired. I slept about 3 hours last night. I was having tennis elbow like pain in my right arm everytime I tried to lay on it. Brian snored all night. It was a nightmare. I had so much to do today. I needed to wrap Kenny and Brian's gifts and do wash, which I did. Thank goodness Brian volunteered to get hoagies for dinner.
Sean is making a big deal out of where I want to have brunch on Easter. It's a place we've never tried and it's been around for years. I don't get him.

I just wanted to put in my two cents about Terri Schiavo-I look at the way she was 15 yrs ago and look at her now with her hands all curled up, laying in bed and the only thing she can do for herself is to breath. What is the quality of this poor soul's life? In her old photos, she looks like the kind of person to say, don't let me be a burden on you, let me go. I think her parents just can't realize that she will never be her former self. This is so sad all the way around. I think about them all and prayers go out to each family member and Terri.


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