Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Oprah and the body parts....

I just watched a rerun of Oprah where she and I believe Dr. Oz examined real hearts, livers , kidneys, eyes, etc. It was a bit gross, but very interesting. I guess we just don't worry too much about what's on the inside until you see something like this. The part that was a total gross out (and made my Angus burger really scrumptious) was when they showed film footage of cutting open a cadaver and cutting away the yellow shiny fat from inside. Hope you aren't eating when you are reading this. Darn it, I did have a craving for that burger too! We don't eat a lot of red meat anymore. But I was thinking about Brian's belly fat. Alright, I have some too!
The doctor showed a uterus with a fibroid (I have several small ones) and that was an eye opener too. The lungs effected from cigarette smoke were spotted with black like big flecks of pepper.
I liked the second doctor who came on to talk about how mediation helps heal your body too. He said we are meant to be peaceful with joy and then something comes along and disrupts that.


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