Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Pickles, olives, cherries and salsa

If I never opened another jar of the above again, I'd be happy for the rest of my life! I challenge you to count the jars of the above in your frig. : )
Since I am getting rid of the 19 yr old frig, I had to start cleaning it out. I'm pretty good about jelly, we will eat out of a few jars before we open another one. But my goodness, the array of half-eaten salsa, the picked at pickles, it was out of hand. I'm the one who takes the heat when the food starts to fall out of the frig and it's partly Brian's fault. I didn't even touch the doors or the freezer yet. But my plan is to have three plastic boxes and when the new frig is hooked up, I will just take the boxes out of the old and put the stuff in the new. I do have a freezer in the basement, so I don't have to worry too much about the freezer items.
Because my sinuses are touchy, smells are really bothering me. I had to get out of the kitchen because the pickles were getting to me. I have to repeat this next Wednesday as trash is picked up here on Thursday.
I know all this will be worth it.
Here's a peek at the old kitchen:

Yes, that is Cosmo 'caught in the act' checking out the curtainless window where I want the garden window to go. The only cabinets that have a few items in them are the dish cabinet and under the sink.


  • At 3:24 PM, Blogger mainely stitching said…

    It looks busy there, Dianne! Good luck! We have nothing from your list but a new jar of olives, by the way. My vice is curry. Don't ask how old some of them get. Icky!

  • At 10:12 PM, Blogger Von said…

    It's amazing what collects at the back of the fridge! It's been awhile since I completely emptied it, but I do try to go through and find all the old stuff before shopping each week. Things still hide, lol!

  • At 11:34 AM, Blogger Sandy said…

    After reading this I think I am going to clean my fridge today. A job I hate but you have inspired me. Thanks alot!


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